Continuing Education Seminars
Reynolds Parrino Shadwick, P.A., regularly provides seminars on topics of particular concern to its clients. If desired, these seminars can be approved for continuing education credits for adjusters, as well as provide an opportunity to discuss various areas of the law. Seminars which are currently available and already approved for continuing education credits for adjusters include the following:
- Adjuster Deposition
- Basic Principles of PIP & UM/UIM Claims
- Florida PIP: Attorney’s Fees
- Florida PIP: Current Legal Developments
- Florida PIP: Examinations Under Oath
- Florida PIP: HB 119:2012 Amendments to PIP Law and Related Statutes
- Florida PIP: Independent Medical Examinations
- Florida PIP: Med Pay Subro & W/C Liens
- Good Faith & Ethical Practices
- Good Faith Claims Handling
- Proposals for Settlement for the Defense
For any seminar provided, Reynolds Parrino Shadwick, P.A. seeks approval for continuing education credits from the Florida Department of Financial Services and will provide necessary materials to claim adjusters to assist in securing credit for completion of the seminar.
Florida Rules & Laws – Reference Booklet Board of Veterinary Medicine Presented by: Bryan W. Reynolds
Florida Laws & Rules Powerpoint
Case Study #1
Case Study #2